EPlus Certified Digital Marketing Expert

Course Description

The overall aim of this examination is to validate candidate's knowledge and understanding on how to plan, design and implement effective digital marketing strategy in an organization.. Candidate needs to provide that, they have the understanding on fundamental concepts of digital marketing and timely developments of those technologies. When the campaigns are in place, candidate need to show how monitor those kind of campaigns and what are the best practices within those. Furthermore candidate needs to show the awareness on how to implement digital marketing concepts to brick and motor to clickable companies. Further certification validates the fundamental to intermediate knowledge on overview of the skills that is required to be an effective digital marketer in order to provide support in organisational various workplace setups


Module Description

  • Understanding the digital marketing fundamentals
  • Understanding various factors involving in developing effective digital marketing strategy
  • Understanding the approach on implementing effective digital marketing strategy in an organisation
  • Understanding management skills required in order to maintain proper alignment between corporate strategy and digital marketing strategy

Mode of Exam

Online examination (60 MCQs)


Fee Structure

Registration Fee : LKR 4000/= 

Exam Fee: LKR 4500/=


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